Philadelphia 76ers Use Team’s Success to Their Advantage

Team success is never a guarantee, but when you have it at your disposal use it to help grow your program! The Philadelphia 76ers are doing just that with their team’s current playoff push.

Using FanMaker’s notification tools, Philadelphia is striking while the iron is hot and creating some fun promotions for fan engagement and upsell opportunities.

“The FanMaker tools have been a great asset to help bring awareness to our Playoff Promotions. Throughout the season and our current playoff run, we have utilized the content/story tool in combination with mobile ads to help promote many offers we have for our members.”

-Chris Adams, Youth Marketing Coordinator @ Philadelphia 76ers


Utilizing FanMaker’s push notification system, Philadelphia promoted a special upgrade opportunity for members of the Jr. 76ers Kids Club presented by Five Below.

The day before the team started their second round playoff series, Philadelphia sent a segmented push to their Rookie (free) Kids Club members promoting a special offer for upgrading their membership to an All-Star (paid) membership.

Philadelphia ran a coinciding 3-day social campaign targeting non-members with the same offer. In 2 weeks, they added/renewed 90+ members and brought in an additional $1,000+ in revenue!

“We make use of the push notification tool to directly communicate with our members who have downloaded the app. This allows us to deliver quick information and provides members with a one-click process to access a link or event we’d like to promote that week.”

– Chris Adams

Hype Video

Fans are more likely to engage with your team while they are winning, so it is important to provide opportunities for fans to participate with your brand. Philadelphia asked for Kids Club members to submit :30 second videos showcasing their excitement for the team. Each child that submitted a video earned 500 points.

Philadelphia turned those submissions into a hype video for their playoff run and included it in their monthly newsletter and posted it on their social pages. In under a week the video gained 80,000+ impressions, 10,000+ views, and 1,500+ engagements across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!

“The fan reaction to the video has been substantial! This was primarily a content piece for our Jr. 76ers social channels. We have seen membership growth since the video release and have a condensed version running in-arena during home-games to promote the program.”

-Chris Adams

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