Mastering Fan Engagement: Transforming Insightful Data into Action

Gather data on your fans or your dedicated season ticket holders, to the first game ever to your game earlier today, with our suite of pre-built reports. Our reports enable you to market better to your fans, by providing valuable insights to help you better understand your fanbase and empower data-driven decision making.

Key Advantages:

  • Targeted Marketing: Gain deep insights into your fanbase, allowing for targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with specific segments of your audience.
  • Informed Strategies: Make informed decisions about promotions, content creation, and fan engagement initiatives based on real-time data and comprehensive reporting.
  • Measurable Impact: Track the effectiveness of your prizes and experiences, the level of engagement with your program and measure the return on investment for your sponsors and partners

Our Service:

  • Delivers a suite of 23 pre-built reports designed to summarize and analyze key fan data points – including reports with full user details, point balances, engagement metrics, prize order details, impressions of sponsor offers and event attendance details.
  • Provides access to real-time data directly from our secure Data Warehouse.
  • Offers customizable data delivery options, including automated report drops to your designated SFTP server.
  • Pull vast amount of data with our comprehensive API into your Data Warehouse, CRM, or Marketing Automation Tools

Our reports help maximize your ROI and build a growing fanbase.

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